API Documentation

APIs List:

Issue stats:


curl --location 'https://partner-test.saakuru.com/api/tomoone/stats/issue' \
--header 'x-api-key: partner-api-key' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'partner-auth-key: partner-auth-key' \
--data '{
    "nftId": "7390",
    "value": 1000,
    "stat": "intelligence",
    "event": "singing",
    "isPending": true,


    "responseCode": "ok",
    "tx": "0x07442312165490664ed28ca93a8a2ab1af131640d1e3ab459fbca8d72212247d",
    "dailyLimit": 2500, // if applicable limit per stat
    "credits": 9999999900

Get NFTs data:

Maximum Array length - 50


curl --location 'https://partner-test.saakuru.com/api/tomoone/nfts' \
--header 'x-api-key: partner-api-key'

Supported query params:

  • emails - Array of emails in String format. Only applicable for shared Saakuru integration

  • addresses - Array of Ethereum addresses in String format

  • nftIds - Array of NFT Ids in Number format


    "responseCode": "ok",
    "data": [{
        "_id": "6540c7ef755c86e1c04215b1",
        "nftId": 1,
        "owner": "0x1124C34B21687eD1F01999ece255a2976835aC7F",
        "name": "name",
        "description": "description",
        "type": 1,
        "notifications": [],
        "stats": [
                "name": "intelligence",
                "amount": 15032,
                "level": 1,
                "_id": "65424bfe712fa9d93d3aa2a9"
                "name": "agility",
                "amount": 0,
                "level": 1,
                "_id": "65424bfe712fa9d93d3aa2aa"
        "image": "image-content",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-31T09:25:03.355Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-11-01T13:00:46.612Z",
        "__v": 0

*API is also accessible without a partner API key with 50 API requests per minute limit.

Subscribe for Stats updates:

Coming soon

Last updated