Event Collector

Problem: Blockchain data is typically stored in a sequential, append-only ledger format. This makes it challenging to perform complex queries and data analytics, as traditional database queries are not directly applicable, meaning you must go block by block extracting specific pieces of data from a blockchain / traversing the entire chain. This can be time-consuming, especially for older data or for chains with a large number of blocks. Accessing and interpreting blockchain data often requires specialised knowledge of blockchain architecture, consensus mechanisms, and smart contract languages. Our Solution: Event collector monitors blockchain transactions across EVM chains - continuously watches for events and transactions occurring on the blockchain, such as transfers, contract executions, or state changes and captures all event data to the database - historically and at the time of happening - logs and stores detailed information about each event, including timestamps, involved addresses, and transaction details, which enables simple data analysis, prompt data-based decisions, notifications and allows blockchain to be utilized as regular but immutable database.

  • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

  • Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

  • Cross-Chain Compatibility

  • User-Friendly Interface and set-up

  • Predictable pricing based on contract events count

  • Makes complex event monitoring accessible to both technical and non-technical users while enhancing trust and reliability by preventing fraud and ensuring data integrity.

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